T Levels are post-GCSE qualifications combining classroom learning with industry placements. Look towards the future of your business by supporting students to learn within your industry.

Our T Level industries


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Digital & IT

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Education & Early Years

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Healthcare Science

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Management & Administration

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[The placement student has] brought us some new knowledge. We did some training last week with her and the knowledge that she was coming out with for up-to-date things was good, because we don’t always have time to sit down and research everything up-to-date, whereas she’s bringing us that current legislation, which was very good.

Health placement

[The students] have come in, gone straight in, know what they want, are keen to get on and do things, use their own initiative, ask to do things. I’ve been amazed with these three, they’ve just come in and got on, asked questions and seem to be really enjoying it.

Early Years placement

They also give feedback, so they’ve questioned things that we’re doing, which has made us then look at our practice to see how we’re doing it and be able to adapt. So it’s been really good, they’re not afraid to come forward and ask things and get on with things, so it’s been really good, really positive.

Early Years placement

Student sat at a desk in a classroom working on a laptop looking up smiling

Student sat at a desk in a classroom wearing a beanie and college lanyard, looking down and smiling whilst working on a laptop

What are T Levels?

T Levels give you another way to supplement your workforce. Launched in September 2020, they offer 16 to 19-year-olds an alternative to A levels and the chance to acquire real-life vocational experience through industry placements. 

Students study one T Level, specialising in their subject and spending 80% of their time in the classroom – gaining the knowledge that will help them in their future career. The remaining 20% is spent on an industry placement, embedding that knowledge and developing real-world skills that will benefit them (and you). 

As an employer, you’ll gain an enthusiastic employee you can train in specific areas to benefit your industry. Not only will you have an ‘extra pair of hands’, you’ll also be shaping the future of the younger generation.

Benefits of a T Level

By offering a T Level placement to one of our students, your organisation will:

  • Enhance productivity and benefit from new ideas and fresh thinking
  • Increase your profile as a diverse and influential employer, and one who invests in learning and development
  • Train individuals in skills, aptitudes and behaviours for hard-to-fill vacancies
  • Access the best new talent and invest in the younger generation, your future workforce
  • Futureproof your recruitment processes by considering progression opportunities: for example, progress T Level students to apprenticeships or entry-level jobs
  • Increase staff mentoring opportunities and upskill your next generation of managers
  • Develop strong links and relationships with local community organisations
  • See your potential apprentices in action, gaining more insight than can be garnered during a traditional interview process

How does an industry placement work?

Each placement is designed to last a minimum of 315 working hours to ensure students receive the experience and training they need. It’s up to you how you split this placement, depending on the needs of your business and what will best help the student to embed their knowledge.

The placement could be one day a week across 45 weeks, or you could take the student on for one placement of 45 days/9 weeks, or it could be a mix of both. Our team will be able to advise you on how to decide this. 

During the placement, you will support the student to work on real-life projects within your workplace. You can consider: 

  • What skills are needed in your industry?
  • What do you wish young employees knew (or which skills do you wish they had) when they start work with you?
  • How would fresh, innovative thinking benefit your business? 
Construction student in workshop using machinery wearing goggles and ear defenders

Your student recruitment journey

Express your interest

Contact Clare Fitzgerald to speak to our T Level team.

Select a student

We’ll help you find the right student for your industry and business needs. We can also help you interview suitable candidates.

Get your workplace ready

We can guide you through paperwork, and any policies or procedures you may need in place. Students will need the same site-specific induction or health and safety induction as other new employees so you’re likely to have this information ready.

Set a start date

We’ll ensure the placement fits around the student’s studies.

Agree on working objectives

Decide what your student will do and how you’ll manage them.

Decide if you want to pay your student

There’s no legal obligation to pay for T Level industry placements. In some circumstances, employers can choose to pay the National Minimum Wage for their student’s time. Alternatively, you can choose to support the student by paying their travel costs.

Start your industry placement

Begin the induction process, introduce your student to their responsibilities, and monitor their progress.

Frequently asked questions

Can I hire my T Level trainee?
Absolutely! Many of our students have been offered paid work as a result of their placement. A student can become a permanent part of your workforce once they have gained their T Level qualification.
Do I have to pay?
There’s no legal obligation to pay for T Level industry placements. In some circumstances, employers can choose to pay the National Minimum Wage for their student’s time. Alternatively, you can choose to support the student by paying their travel costs or expenses.
Should T Level students only work in one area?
It’s useful if students can get a broad overview of your business – not only will it help you if you choose to employ them in the future, it will also help the student identify areas that they’d like to specialise in throughout their career. Having a thorough understanding of different departments will help students see how the business as a whole functions.
What should students be doing on their placement? How should I decide their responsibilities?
It’s up to you – where do you think you’d benefit from an extra pair of hands? Are there any areas that would benefit from fresh and innovative thinking? And what would you like to teach the next generation in your industry? If you’d like more support and guidance, we can work with you to design a job description and assess what would benefit the student.

Consider the skills gaps that currently exist in your industry and what you’d like to see more of in your job applicants – bear in mind that you may not hire this student directly after their studies, but they may strengthen your recruitment pool in the long term.

How does the industry placement work? Is it beneficial?
Absolutely. Employers will give you meaningful, real-life projects to work on during your placement. The placement will be designed to progress your practical skills and support your studies, and give you genuine experience of working in that industry. Your placement will last at least 315 hours, which is around 45 days – but some employers offer longer placements.

T Levels are designed with employers, so that you know your skills will be valued by businesses in the future. This practical exposure looks great on your CV, improves your employability and gives you valuable insight into how the industry works. You may also build a professional network and meet people that could help your career in the future. Some employers even hire their T Level placement students after they’ve completed their studies!

Can placements be split across more than one employer? Can a student choose more than one placement?
Students can divide their industry placement hours between a maximum of two employers, ensuring a wide range of experience.
Can I take on more than one student?
The number of students you take on is completely up to you – some large employers have the capacity to take on 15-20 students each year, whereas smaller businesses might only take on one or two.
Some of my team work remotely. Can students undertake a remote work placement?
This is only relevant in some sectors, and the time a student can work remotely is limited. But for Digital & IT and Management & Administration courses, 20% of a student’s placement time can be used on remote work, as long as they are still benefiting from the learning and support they would otherwise receive.

Ready to take your business to the next level?

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Next steps after placement

Don’t forget to tell us how it went. We encourage all employers to provide student feedback after their placement has ended and we will initiate these conversations with both you and your student. You can even supply your placement student with a reference to enhance their employment prospects.

Other traineeship options

If a T Level doesn’t sound like the right fit for your business, why not take a look at our apprenticeship information? We can supply apprentices to cover all industry sectors.

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Student wearing a Keighley College lanyard sat at a desk in a classroom working on a desktop computer looking up smiling