Keighley College provides a secure, welcoming and friendly learning environment where students feel safe, enjoy learning and can achieve their goals. We recognise that positive behaviour needs to be modelled and can be learned. Our I’m In strategy means that all staff and students have a responsibility for the inclusive culture in college.
Read our ‘Promoting Positive Relationships and Supporting Behaviour policy’ here
This policy lays out our approach to open and honest relationships and communications, built on restorative approaches, with an emphasis on cooperation, cohesion, and de-escalation and mediation in resolving behavioural issues. Primarily the key premise is that behaviour is a form of communication of an emotional need (whether conscious or unconscious) to be viewed in the context of relationships rather than an internal problem.
Our approach to attendance improvement puts student experience at the centre. We recognise that absence represents one way that a student responds to their personal experiences, in and/or outside college.
Our I’m IN Attendance and Punctuality Handbook 2020-22 outlines key information for staff including the attendance strategy and expectations, approaches to improving attendance, barriers to attendance and the processes for recording and monitoring attendance.
Sexual harassment and sexual violence
The college does not tolerate sexual harassment and sexual violence, and takes reports of this behaviour very seriously. It must never be ignored, and the victim will be offered support. It is the responsibility of ALL staff to create a culture of inclusivity, challenge and safety. We will use restorative approaches and mediation wherever appropriate.
We have a clear process for dealing with sexual harassment outlined in our ‘Promoting Positive Relationships and Supporting Behaviour’ Policy. It will be dealt with by curriculum and safeguarding teams collaboratively, and may involve liaison with external agencies such as the Police or Children’s Social Work Services where appropriate. The college will take a victim-led approach, taking into consideration the alleged victim’s wishes and feelings.
Children and young people who abuse others will be responded to in a way that meets their needs as well as protecting others within the college community through a multi-agency risk assessment.
Students are encouraged to report any incidents of sexual harassment and violence, and can do so using the ‘report it’ button on the Student Safeguarding Page, or by speaking directly to a member of staff or the safeguarding team.
We recognise that anyone can experience sexual harassment or violence. Females are more likely to experience sexual harassment and violence than males, but we must remember that males can still be victims. People from the LGBTQ+ community are significantly more likely to experience it than others, and people with disabilities are also disproportionately affected.
If parents/carers have questions or concerns, they are welcome to contact the safeguarding team by email:
You can find more information about sexual harassment and violence in education settings in this government guidance.
You can also find information and advice on Direspect NoBody.