Keighley College secures funding to boost district’s adult numeracy skills
We’re delighted to announce that we’ve secured funding through the Department for Education-led Multiply programme to enhance adult numeracy skills in our district.
With this financial support, we’ll be able to assist adults in our area who don’t have a Level 2 qualification – roughly equivalent to a GCSE grade 4, or the old C grade – in maths. The aim will be to help them overcome their fear of the subject so they can thrive, personally and professionally.
The work will involve supporting learners through putting on new, flexible courses designed to fit around their lives, and training more staff to teach numeracy.
The focus will be on functional, rather than theoretical, maths to show how useful it can be in real-life situations ranging from budgeting for shopping to understanding borrowing, credit and interest.
A 2022 report found that more than half – 52% – of adults in West Yorkshire were at ‘entry level and below’ in terms of numeracy.

Keighley College’s Principal, Kevin O’Hare, said: “Numeracy is so important for all of us as we try to negotiate the daily challenges of education, life and work.
“Skills like budgeting are essential, especially now while we are facing a cost of living crisis, but many people find it difficult.
“We are therefore delighted, as a college dedicated to supporting the community, to have secured funding to help local adults, in all walks of life, feel more confident in such areas.“
The programme will also open up new work and educational possibilities for participants, and take them a step closer to being able to benefit from further support such as the Lifelong Loan Entitlement.
Keighley College is already piloting a project that asks English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) students to take on tasks like banking or supermarket shopping.