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Our courses are designed to give you the skills to succeed. It doesn’t matter if you’re returning to study, starting out, or looking for a new hobby. You can learn more about our courses below. A full list of our courses can be found here.

If you are earning below £23,400, unemployed or don’t currently hold a Level 3 qualification (equivalent to A Levels), then you are eligible to study for free as an Adult learner.

Video Transcript


Interviewees: Caroline Ward, Head of Keighley Support Services (SPEAKER) – Jo Rusden, Deputy Head of Department (SPEAKER) – Lewis Freer, Teacher (SPEAKER) – Julie Wells, Course Leader Access to Health (SPEAKER), Keira Layton, student, Access to HE Diploma Health Science Professions (SPEAKER) – Beth Wallace, student, HE Foundation Degree Supporting Teaching and Learning (SPEAKER) – Abbie Green, student, HE Foundation Degree Supporting Teaching and Learning (SPEAKER)

Music – A guitar plays a soft melody accompanied by calming synth chords and drums.

Scenery – A tutor leans over a DNA model, smiling and listening as a student speaks while other students observe. The camera cuts to a tutor passionately talking with a student, who holds a book and nods. Cut to a row of students – one student smiles and speaks while looking at a computer screen. We meet Caroline Ward, who sits in a dark room with warm lighting. She has shoulder-length blonde hair, pale peach-toned skin and wears a Keighley College lanyard.

Caroline Ward, Head of Department for Adults, Communities & Higher Education – “Hi, I’m Caroline Ward; I’m the head of department here at Keighley College for Adults, Communities and Higher Education. The adult department at Keighley College is a dedicated space within the college. We have a variety of dedicated classrooms, workshops. I think what sets Keighley College apart from other providers is the fact that we have high-quality, passionate staff who really care about our adult learners.”

Scenery – As Caroline speaks, the camera cuts to various scenes of adult students and tutors learning, sharing and investing in each other’s conversations in different environments, including a science laboratory and an intimate round-table setting. We meet Deputy Head of Department Jo Rusden, who sits in a warm grey room with large, bright windows. She has light grey-blonde hair with a soft fringe and a fair, rosy-toned complexion.

Jo Rusden, Head of Department – “I think at Keighley College, we are like the perfect size college. So we’re not too big, so students always know who to approach. It’s not too daunting to come here; we’re not as big as some other colleges. In our department, we have students from the age of 16 to about – 70 is our oldest student at the moment. We have many courses at different paces. We have different levels of courses that range from total beginners, ESOL – we’ve got GCSE English. We have very basic maths, we have Teaching Assistants Level 1 – we have many courses on offer.”

Scenery – As Jo speaks, the camera shows an adult learner planing wood in a woodworking studio, as his tutor observes. The camera shows different close-ups of Jo speaking one-on-one with different adult students – a shot seated together at a desk, then standing, followed by her crouching at a student’s desk. We meet teacher Lewis Freer, who sits in a warmly lit room with large windows showing the evening sky. He wears glasses, a black shirt with a grey tie and a Keighley College Lanyard. He has short brown hair and a light, rosy-toned complexion.

Lewis Freer, Teacher – “The students who come to Keighley College in order to study Functional Skills bring with them a wide range of starting points and abilities. We have those who we’re taking who have got very little English. Those who are-are really looking for those basic skills they need to apply for jobs, read job applications. At the other end, we have students who are not all that far away from moving on to GCSE. Obviously, there are a lot of people in the world who have doubts about their own personal ability and the stage they’re in their life – and many of them have had negative experiences in school. All of that means that they may have questions about whether they will be able to access and achieve learning where they’re at. The good news is that the sooner that you get into the classroom, the sooner you’re going to realise that you can learn – you can make progress. It’s not like when you were younger. You still have those opportunities, and the sooner you get in, the sooner you’re gonna start having those positive experiences, and the further you’re going to go.”

Scenery – As Lewis speaks, the camera shows various adult learning settings in Keighley College. These include Lewis sitting on a small round table with three students, reading from books and speaking animatedly, and a tutor and students in a science laboratory who all wear laboratory coats, as she holds an anatomical model and speaks. We are introduced to Course Leader for Access to Health Julie Wells, who sits in a brightly lit, pale blue and white science laboratory. She wears a white T-shirt with a blazer, has honey-toned blonde hair, and has a fair, peach-toned complexion.

Julie Wells, Course Leader Access to Health – “I think people would be really surprised at what we offer here at Keighley College. Um, especially for our adults, our access to higher education courses – there are many different career paths that you can choose to go down; the choice is endless really.

Scenery – As Julie speaks, the camera shows students standing around a professional laboratory worktop while smiling and chatting with Julie. We are introduced to student Keira Layton, who is sitting in the science laboratory. Keira has long, middle-parted brown hair with red ends, a pale, olive-toned complexion, and wears a burgundy jumper with a large gold pendant.

Keira Layton, student – “There’s so much support here, um, f-for anything- if you’re struggling and worried about anything, there is always someone to help. Erm, and so that-that has really given me practice and helped me to develop my confidence. You don’t need to be certain about your future when you come here. You just have an idea of what you want to do and then, this’ll get you started on that journey.”

Caroline Ward, head of department for Adults, Communities & Higher Education – “I think the message that we, as a college, here at Keighley want to say to our, erm, prospective adult learners, is please do come down and see us. Er, we’ve got a range of quality staff who will sit and talk to you and look at your pathway, where you want to be, what your career aspirations are – there is literally something for everyone.”

Scenery – As Caroline speaks, the camera shows adult learners in different classrooms and learning environments at Keighley College, including a science laboratory, metal-works, hospital, and warmly lit round tables and desks. We meet two adult learners, Beth Wallace and Abbie Green, seated in a large and bright rounded room with windows across its length. Beth has long dark red hair, a pale pink-toned complexion and wears glasses. Abbie has vibrant red shoulder-length hair, wears a navy cardigan and has a pale, rosy complexion.

Beth Wallace, student – “I had no previous qualifications of this course whatsoever – in teaching. Erm, had no idea how I was gonna do it, and just came to an open day at Keighley College for a chat, and now I’m on a higher education course and I’m on track to be a primary school teacher in three years time.”

Abbie Green, student – “I got my Level 3 in childcare, worked in a nursery – if I’d have still been there now I would’ve been there ten years. But instead, I stopped working in 2019 and had my children, and now I’ve got the time to do what I want to do. I’m sort of putting myself first and doing this course, which is really good because I’m working in a primary school as well. So, now my children are older I want something for my children to be proud of me as well. And I want my children to be able to come and say, ‘That’s my mum. My mum’s doing that’. I just feel right proud that I can do something that they’ll look up to.”

SCENERY – The screen fades to black.

MUSIC – The soft guitar and upbeat music fades to silence.

Welcome to your new learning adventure.

Here at Keighley College, we can help you achieve your education goals. Want to secure those key GCSEs? We can help you do that. Perhaps you just want to feel more confident – we can help with that too. Whatever your aim we’ve got you covered.

Explore our wide array of full-time and part-time courses, designed to boost your skills and advance your career. From Access to Higher Education in various fields to practical training in Construction, Engineering, Hair & Beauty, and more, we’ve got you covered. Our part-time options offer flexibility, allowing you to pursue qualifications like GCSEs or certificates in areas like Counselling or Fashion and Textiles. Whether you’re aiming to upskill in your current role or switch careers entirely, our courses are tailored to fit your needs and schedule, setting you on the path to success.

By studying for a qualification with us, not only will you get the best teaching in modern and comfortable facilities, but you also get the support of friendly staff while joining a community where help is always on hand. No matter the course you choose or the qualification you study, you will be learning with other adults in a friendly and supportive environment.

Drop in and see us. Anytime.

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