Couple excel with Access course

19 November, 2020 3:31 pm

Keighley-based couple, Laura and Chris Smith, have always had an ambition to work in the healthcare sector. 

The recent pandemic gave them time to reflect on their career aspirations, realising they wanted to pursue their passion and study an Access to Health Science Professions course at Keighley College.

Choosing a college

When deciding on a college, Laura and Chris knew Keighley College was the perfect match for them.

Laura said: “As we live locally, we’re aware of the college’s great reputation so we knew this would be a good fit for us. After researching various courses, we thought the Access course sounded really interesting and engaging. As we both hope to go to university, this course provides us with all the tools, knowledge and skills needed to progress to higher education.”

Course highlights

The Access course allows students to study a range of health and science topics while gaining practical experience.

Chris commented: “The course is incredibly varied with many fascinating subjects, such as infection and immunity, control and coordination, complementary therapies, chemistry of drugs and psychology. These topics allow me to have a detailed, well-rounded knowledge of healthcare, giving me the perfect headstart for a nursing career.”

Laura added: “So far, the course has been amazing. As we are only studying three days a week, the course allows for flexibility around family commitments. Although it’s sometimes difficult to juggle work, family life and studying, the tutors have been exceptionally helpful by equipping us with all the tools we need to manage our work.”

Future plans

When they complete the Access course, Laura and Chris hope to study healthcare degrees.

Laura said: “I have always wanted to pursue a role in midwifery, which I hope to do when the course finishes in July. It’s been fantastic studying with each other on the course, as we’re able to support, inspire and motivate each other.”

Find out more about Access to Health Science Professions, as well as other Access to Higher Education courses here.