A record year of results at Keighley College
We are thrilled to announce our results for the 2017-18 academic period as the best ever. Not only this, our statistics make the college one of the most improved colleges in the country.
Across GCSEs and all vocational qualifications, achievement rates reached 85.3 per cent – five per cent up on the previous year and above the national average. Staff at Keighley College are delighted, Heather Whitehead, director of operations at the college, said: “I’m delighted with the outstanding achievements of our students.
“The improvement of results over the last two years is 12 per cent, which is staggering.
“Achievements are now four per cent above the national average, with more of our students progressing into employment, apprenticeships or higher education.
“I work with an amazing group of staff and they have worked tirelessly to ensure we provide students with the support they need to achieve.”
Read the full article here.