The Principal of Keighley College has praised the contribution students have made to their local community – while congratulating their academic achievements.
Despite the difficulties posed by the pandemic the college has just enjoyed another successful set of Level 3 and GCSE results, with many students meeting or exceeding their target grades.
Principal Steve Kelly said he was full of admiration for the extra effort that students and staff had put in over a trying 12 months, and their sense of social responsibility.
Achievement in the face of adversity
He said: “This year has been extremely challenging for all students across the country, as well as for those who teach and support them.
“We are very proud of our students and over the past year they have not only completed their studies but helped in their local communities, as well as with their families.
“I am pleased to say students at Keighley College have been able to gain their vocational qualifications and progress to university, further study or employment. Many have also decided to apply for apprenticeship opportunities in the region.
“The college is open for enquiries and we still have places for anyone wishing to enrol on our courses which start next month and include full-time vocational courses, T Levels, A levels and part-time study.
“We are here to help and would encourage anyone who has questions to contact us by calling 01535 685000, emailing or visiting”
Inspirational husband and wife team
There were many inspirational stories behind the grades achieved by Keighley College students, and especially adult learners, this year.
Husband and wife Chris and Laura Smith both started at the college after initially being turned down for the Access to Higher Education – Health Science Professions course, as neither had the required GCSE grades for English or maths.
The Head of Service Professions, Kevin Burke, decided to take a chance and offered them each a place anyway. His belief in them was proved well founded as they both went on to work ‘tirelessly’ and pass the course, while also achieving Grade 5s in English and Maths.
Those achievements were all the more remarkable given the fact that Laura and Chris were both holding down a job while studying. They have now each been offered a place at Bradford University, where they will study Nursing.
Overcoming the challenges of dyslexia
Adult learner Katy Currell, meanwhile, has been struggling with the educational challenges of dyslexia for years.
Until recently trying to read longer pieces of text or to write represented a huge challenge to Katy. But that has now, thanks to ‘incredibly hard work’ on her part and specialist support from her English teacher, all changed.
Katy has just achieved a Grade 4 pass in her English Language GCSE, and her teachers also say they have seen her self-confidence grow steadily as she has progressed.