Building on firm foundations
As Keighley College prepares to host a Staff Careers and Recruitment Day, we hear from team members about the rewards and challenges of their jobs.
Reece Simpson’s work at Keighley College is quite literally helping to lay the foundations for a brighter economic future for the district and its people.
Reece teaches bricklaying, a role he landed after working as a ‘brickie’ himself for some years and then spotting an apprenticeship opportunity at the college.
He has now been teaching full-time for a year and a half and is enjoying sharing his knowledge to help his students achieve their full potential.
A chance to shine
He said: “This was a good opportunity for me as bricklaying was beginning to get the better of me physically and teaching was always a career I wanted to pursue.
“I started at Keighley College as an apprentice teacher which included studying the level 5 in education and training whilst working as a Construction teacher, this allowed me to learn the various teaching methods whilst also gaining classroom experience.
“Upon completing the level 5 training I was offered a full time teaching contract, which I have been doing for the past 18 months.”
A sense of accomplishment – and overcoming challenges
“The most rewarding aspect of the job role as a bricklaying teacher is seeing the students’ progression throughout the course, from learning to spread mortar to building decorative walls to a high standard.
“The pandemic has caused various challenges due to bricklaying being a mainly practical course.
“It meant learning had to go online and this was difficult at first, but learners responded well and made the most of it. This resulted in the minimum disruption possible.”
Career and training opportunities at Keighley College
The college, which will play a vital role in helping the local area recover from the economic impact of COVID-19, offers all kinds of opportunities to anyone interested in a career in education, training and skills.
There are positions currently available across a number of fields including: teaching, learning support, technical, students support, leadership, administration, training and facilities.
More details can be found by booking a virtual slot on our Staff Careers and Recruitment Day, which Reece is encouraging anybody who is considering a career switch to take part in.
He said: “The advice I would give to anyway wanting to pursue a career in education is to not wait and go for it.”
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